Life in the Geezer Ward (Episode 5)

Breakfast had been served: next on the agenda – catch that sunbeam. We had all found one, when an uninvited guest peaked his head around the bedroom door. Duke’s ears twitched, but not one to mouse, he kept his quiet. The food bowls had remnants, certainly, although with 12 of us, that was all there was. Mamagayo gave a blink, then went back to her catnap. Sapphire licked her lips, but couldn’t be bothered. Coffee was still in his muddle, and peering in the wrong direction. Seeing no reaction from the crowd he crept closer, inch by inch. With each step he became more assured. Crumbs in several shapes and flavors lay almost within reach. Just a few more inches. His nose twitched hungrily, his beady eyes twinkled. A little bit further, quiet as a mouse …

Leave it to Jasmine to introduce chaos. Careening wildly, she skittered sideways across the room, whacking in every direction with both paws. He scrambled for safety – under the bureau – hoping no one would see him. But the jig was up. Coffee sounded the alarm. Sapphire frumped over to one end of the bureau. Jasmine puddled at the other end. All exits were blocked. There was no escaping- it was only a matter of time.

(I would have helped, but someone had to take notes.)

Too bad we had all just eaten. Waste not, want not we all agreed. And so the delectable tidbit was placed at the very back of the bookcase so it could age properly for future use.

(To Be Continued, when that tidbit is good and ripe)

Yours Truly,

Howard Beakman

Jasmine, the crazy….