Episode 7 – Where We Interlude With a Visit West

They didn’t come by their nicknames “The Foghorns” without  good reason.  Ivan and Skipper had moved to the ports of Seattle, accepting positions as first mates on Omar’s fishing boat, the Fat Cat. From the time they got their ‘seal-legs’ at point of adoption, they’d start every day before the sun, headed out to sea with a shopping list that changed with the tides. Ivan would stand starboard and Skipper port, their whiskers glistening with salt spray as their noses twitched in anticipation.  Ivan was the serious one, methodical in his approach, navigating by sound, smell and pure gut feeling. Skipper navigated by pure gut alone, sneaking snippets of bait when he thought Omar wasn’t looking.

By mid morning, when the majority of the world was looking at their watches to see if it was lunch time yet, the Fat Cat would be trolling into port, nets overflowing with the day’s catch. If they were lucky, vacationers out for their mid-morning stroll could hear the Foghorns relay the success of the morning. Wheelbarrows of salmon would make their way from the port to the fish market at Pike’s, where they’d be prepped for the crowds that flooded the Market to see what was fresh.

I was tickled at the thought of spending a full day with the boys, and my taste buds tingled at the thought of fresh salmon right from the ocean. It had been years since I’d visited with them, and I was looking forward to seeing them as full fledged shipmates aboard the Fat Cat.

Predawn came early – barely the faintest hint of light tickling the docks as I made my way to the boat. One would have expected everyone to be fast asleep, but the pier was bustling with activity as everyone readied their boats for the day. My ears perked up as whispers of the best locations were shared between crew members in a hush discernible only to the best trained ears. I made my way down to the end of the pier as instructed, scanning the decks for a recognizable face. It wasn’t long before a familiar sounding foghorn attached to quite a stout body greeted me. “Ahoy, matey! And welcome aboard!” Skipper came padding forward, all 18 pounds of him, his toothless grin stretching from ear to ear. “Hop skip, not a moment to be lost.”  I clambered on board, nodding ever so slightly to Ivan who was busy surveying the equipment. “Right,” said Skipper. “Over here’s the bait. I’m in charge of the bait. Got to make sure it’s fresh. Anchovies and herring, that’s my favorite. Works great. Tastes great. Everyone’s happy.” And his head disappeared inside the bucket. “Yup, this’ll do, we’re all set” said he, smacking his lips, a suspicious looking silvery tail disappearing quickly. “I think we’re ready.”

Without another word, we were off. Ivan obviously had a plan, and he wasn’t to be swayed. He kept keen eyes on the horizon, sounding his foghorn as schools were spotted, barking orders to Skipper whose mouth remained suspiciously full. Having been a number of years since I’d sailed on a boat, I found it took the majority of my concentration to stay balanced, and it wasn’t long before I wondered whether I’d become the first ‘emerald point’ Siamese. Luckily, the weather cooperated, the ocean remained somewhat calm, and I didn’t toss my cat chow.

The morning was a success. The boys had it down to a science, and while it wasn’t any mystery how Skipper had become so portly, it did seem strange that there was enough bait left over to catch the amount of salmon we did. It was barely mid-morning when we swung back toward land, heading at quite a clip towards the market. “Got to be ready for the lunch crowd,” Ivan explained, “that’s where the action is.” I nodded in agreement, hoping whatever action there was at lunch was followed by a good, long siesta.

Yours Truly,

Howard Beakman (For more sealfaring stories, follow my blog)


Lemon Queen Cakes – OH MY

Lemon Queen Cakes with Meringue Frosting, Vintage Cakes, pg 50. First of all, this is an amazing dessert if you like lemon curd, lemon cake, and marshmallowy meringue. And it’s a marvel of baking that the water bath allows for a curd to form on the bottom and the cake to appear at the top and it’s all from the same batter. It would be an amazing dinner party dessert and tasted even better on day 2 and day 3. But there are some things to note: I used 6 oz ramekins,  filled 4oz up and needed 8 of them. Speaking of 8, note that you need a total of 8 eggs for this – so take them out early to get them to room temp (not mentioned in book, both sets of whites will need to be whipped). When you are ready to distribute the batter into the cups you are using, it’s best to have the batter in a bowl with a spout or a large measuring cup as it’s a little messy otherwise. Note to self to make sure the roasting pan fits in the oven without removal of a shelf; removing the shelf while the oven is hot is always trickier and you lose your oven heat. My bake time was 38 minutes till I saw golden and cracks on top (it is possible my oven temp was closer to 335 than 350). Once you remove the pan from the oven, it’s a little tricky to get the cups out of the hot water without burning yourself or dropping a cup; I needed to use tongs and even then I was worried. For the topping, my whip time was 4-5 minutes (high speed, not medium high speed). Distribute all the topping so you make sure you have enough before shaping it, I found it easiest to distribute with a spatula vs a spoon.  The topping was the one thing I might change. It is super sweet and while yummy, I felt it detracted from the amazement of the curd plus the cake. I think next time I would choose a lighter, less heavy and less sweet meringue topping. Still an amazing dessert. YUM!!!! Vintage Cakes’ Lemon Queen Cakes with Meringue Frosting-Famous Fridays — Unwritten Recipes

The Gift (Episode 6) – with guest, Alfonso P. Wallabee reporting

Mother’s Day is coming up, you know. This is the day you give something to the mother you love. It’s the time to tell them how much they mean, how much you appreciate them. The gang has been thinking about this for some time  – wanting to give Maw a gift for all she does. So we hatched a plan.

We realized we’re a few days early, but some things just can’t wait. You have to juggle your timing so the gift doesn’t get spoiled or anything.  The Great Blue Hunter remembered we had something saved for just the occasion. Much as we all hated to relinquish it, it was pulled out from behind the bookcase where it had been carefully stored (https://siriouslysiri.com/2022/03/04/life-in-the-geezer-ward-episode-5/).  Britney Beluga and Jazz carefully wrapped it carefully on Maw’s side of the bed.  It would be a great surprise.

Too bad Maw has such a good nose. She knew something was up when she got into bed. It’s tough to hide that tantalizing smell, even though Jazz and Beluga had done such a good job of enfolding the present under several layers of pillow…..

Now, according to “Miss Manners’ Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior,” the first obligation, no matter how egregious a gift, is to respond with appropriate enthusiasm. That means “cries of surprise and joy,” and the placing of “hands over your face in the classic posture of one who is overwhelmed.”

Maw was REALLY good at this. Obviously she’s read these rules. I mean, there was no question about her being overwhelmed.  I’d say we succeeded on every count.

This morning I iced the cake. She was complaining it still smelt like rotted mouse in the bedroom (personally, I thought it was quite pleasant). But just to make her feel better, I did what I do best on her pillow. Now it smells like home.

Can’t figure out, though, why she’s asked Paw for an Australian cookbook…..

In the know,

Alfonso P. Wallabee, guest reporter

The Magic World of Rescue

I was feeling a bit down this evening, with all that’s going on in the world – and asked Maw & Paw for a story. They told me not to fret; they’d tell me about a special place – a place held close to their hearts, a place they never saw coming but one that grew into something beautiful. A place full of characters so rich with personalities, so interwoven with excitement, and drama and mystery. A place that is magical…..

A place where David is King. A king whose throne is a mound of cat food bags piled high as the eye could see, his responsibility to sample each bag as he sees fit to ensure quality control for all his subjects. His Queen, Claire, joining him in her choice of throne, surveying her entire kingdom with one sweep – and one swipe – of her paw. Mi Sama, the Queen Mother, always one to exercise her heights, spending several hours (or so she would bemoan) calling for her elevator to get her down from the top shelf in the bathroom.  Mingo, the Court Jester, spending his day sniffing catnip as he tries to ooze all 14 pounds of his dog-frame into a teeny basket filled with Kay’s pillows. Then there is Shiena, the Warrior Princess, who beluga’s around to make sure there are no strangers on the horizon, while the Soldier in Arms, Titan, readies himself in case a Meezer of his stature is needed. Princess Sassette can be found sleeping soundly on her mattress while feeling for the pea, while Princess of TN spends her time stuck inside the waste bin bellowing up a storm.

On the other side of the castle, the Duke of Kenmore is packing his bags getting ready for his big day tomorrow to see his Lady in Waiting Maya, while Sulu, the Marchioness, continues nurturing her incision.  Emma the Magician perfects her disappearing act, finally appearing in Teepee Bed Number 3; while Lady Chelsea (who descends from Islamic heritage) keeps her face, head and body completely covered by her cagepad.  The Marquis Conundrum slinks through the ranks, attempting to take over the Queen’s throne when she isn’t looking, but is called out by Gobi, the Court Trumpeter.  Baron Obie, new to the Royal Family, holds court with  Lady Cheyenne in the upstairs lounge, while Baroness Buffy does her hair (regurgitating it as she goes).  Viscountess Venus veers here and there and everywhere under everyone’s paws, and Prince Mel the Tennessee Mountain Man? He rests peacefully in his brand new bed…..

Prince Mel