Reporting from ‘The Inside’

Day 1:

I have just arrived at this Rescue place and am not quite sure which way is up, or down, but I know one thing – I’ve been booted out of my last place (guess I was a bit too squeaky) so my number one goal is to find me a new lap – asap.

I see they have a computer.  As soon as these dang guardians give me a moment to myself (they keep saying something about “He needs to get to know us”) I will jump on and post a plea.  The mouse is just waiting to be tapped.

(It wasn’t until about 3:30 am when I got a clear shot – from under the bed to stool to chair to desk to keyboard – whew, all that jumping, up came dinner – and then the gosh darn mouse refused to cooperate.   Better luck tomorrow.)

Day 3:

I’ve had about enough of this, but am doing my best to fool them.  I have to make sure that they don’t suspect my plan of escape.  Some day soon my friends, my chariot will arrive!  But for now – the food is pretty good here.  I find that if I meow constantly I get what I want quicker – so I must continue to do this.  These humans are pretty simple – easy to train, I must say. Life is not that bad.

Day 5:

They’ve wisened up to my computer tactics, so now I just lay on the keyboard every chance I get so they know who’s boss. Much easier to keep an eye on things, plus I’m purrfect level for scritches.

And the biggest news – I finally have privacy my friends – they purchased a hooded litter pan – and I just love it!  No longer can anyone stare at me as I do my business. No idea as to what they were thinking with public toilet space; plus that awful woofer looking ever so interested in my productions. No wonder he has bad breath.

Day 6:

Meowmy heard from the next door neighbors today – I guess they liked the opera I was singing last night.  This is something that I must continue to do because I thinks my singing is beautiful.

Day 7:

It’s been a week. Invitations are already rolling in; I will start interviewing prospective homes very soon. I will know immediately when the right Bean applies – must love the sunshine, taking naps, and have a solid girth so I know the chow is decent.

Reporting from confinement,


Photo credit: Amanda Thompson