Keeping Sane When Life’s Falling Apart

By no means do I think we should stop worrying – getting involved – making a difference in whatever small way we can. That having been said, we also have to preserve our mental sanity, our health and well being. To this end, there are five things I’m working to do every day to keep myself out of the rabbit holes of despair. And yes, you’re going to laugh at #5, but seriously, find something that works for you – no matter how small – and make it a habit.

Number One: Yoga. I am a firm believer in the benefits of stretching and yoga, and am going on four years solid of practicing once to twice a day. Not only has my balance and flexibility improved, but corralling myself into some deep breathing and calming movements has really helped me get centered on what’s most important in life.

Number Two: Music. I keep a number of playlists and try to continually add to my favorites list, making an effort every day to listen for just a little while to some uninterrupted feel good music. I also work hard to explore genres, countries and artists I know nothing about in order to broaden my musical horizons and add some ecclectic choices to my lists.

Number Three: Movies. Just recently Darrell and I are making an effort to get back into watching a good movie over dinner. Searching for ‘feel good quirky indie movies’ we try to find things off the mainstream with a happy story to them. Our latest: WADJDA, the story of a Saudi Arabian girl who enters a Koran competition (subtitled). While slower moving than some, we quite enjoyed this movie and it had a nice ‘feel good’ ending.

Number Four: Blogging, Writing, Sharing. Whether it’s picking this blog back up, sending my sister an email, or checking in with my bff, I try to reach out to someone(s) every day and share news, good news if possible, but many times just a ‘what’s up’. I am trying to avoid any long political discussions as I don’t find those beneficial to my psyche.

Number Five: Stickers. Okay, don’t laugh, and yes, it’s the teacher in me. But for the last two months at the end of each day I give myself a sticker, trying to somehow relate the sticker to something that happened during the day or to how I felt that day. It’s kind of fun…..