I finally got around to trying something I’ve wanted to try for awhile, ever since Adelaide and I tried the Pattern Roll Cake on the Sugar Geek website (I love her stuff; her videos are very entertaining). The first time we tried it, Adelaide was the designer and went for the abstract look. I thought the roll cake was on the dry side, so was eager to try this again with a different roll cake recipe. Here is the source for the technique, which is not that difficult: https://sugargeekshow.com/recipe/pattern-roll-cake-recipe/

This time round I chose a recipe from Sally, another source that I love and adore. https://sallysbakingaddiction.com/strawberries-n-cream-cake-roll/. Using the technique above, I came up with the following design. Note that your pattern will only show on one section of the roll. You do need to think about placement when you both make the pattern and roll the cake, making sure the pattern is not on the inside, which it ends up being when you flip the cake onto the towel (you will have to reflip it back).

Things I did differently than Sally’s recipe: For lining the dishtowel prior to rolling the sponge, I only used 1/2 cup of confectioner’s sugar which was plenty. (Use a dishtowel without nap or raised pattern.) For the strawberry cream cheese filling, I only used 2/3 cup of confectioner’s sugar, rather than 2.5 cups. The finished product is not as sweet (which I like better). I’d rate this a 8 out of 10 with a nice sponge that is not at all dry, a tasty filling not too sweet, and a versatile dessert that is satisfying but not overdoing it. 8-10 servings.
Looking forward to making this again and improving on my patterning! Chocolate sponge roll with white snowflakes sounds interesting…..