(A Warrior Princess in Training)
First I lost my tail. Can’t remember how that happened but it had something to do with an emergency C section. Then I came to the Rescue. Found a home. Lost a home. Found another home, lost that home, and came cack to the Rescue.
You see, I couldn’t poop, no matter how hard I tried. ‘That’s okay,’ said the Rescue Angels. ‘We’ll take care of you.’ So they helped. I downed every kind of pill and supplement and dietary recommendation there was. ‘This isn’t working,’ I said. ‘Don’t panic, we’ll think of something else,’ said the Rescue Angels. The next option was none too fun. Every day we both endured enemas of endless duration. It was both miserable and messy. ‘I can’t go on like this,’ said I. ‘Don’t worry, we’ll find a different solution’ said the Rescue Angels. So we switched to accupuncture. Needles everywhere, in my face, in my paws, in my back. I tried to be good, but it was a bit much. ‘I really don’t like this,’ I said. ‘Don’t worry, we’ll try something different’ said the Angels. So we switched to Chinese herbs. All sorts of this and that trying to relax my bowel. ‘I still can’t poop,’ said I. ‘Don’t worry, let’s not give up’ said the Angels. Daily car rides – that makes many of us go. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t, but it really wasn’t practical. ‘This is no fun,’ I said. ‘Don’t fret, we’ll find a solution’ said the Rescue Angels. And they hemmed. And they hawed. And they held a special meeting in the Memorial Garden with Dr. Reinhold and Dr. Anne Marie to discuss my future. And all the Meezer spirits and Meezer Gods sent good thoughts. ‘Let’s try surgery,’ said the Angels. ‘It’s a risky one,’ said the vets. ‘Our chances are slim.’ But we’d run out of options. So the Rescue pooled all their golden pennies and Dr. R, with his heart of gold, removed much of my colon. And after a long, long recovery period ….. I can poop! I eat a special diet, and once a night, I empty my colon. After all this hard work, it’s a beautiful sight, say the Rescue Angels.
That very first night of success? If we didn’t box the results up and tie them with a ribbon and deliver them to Dr. R as a thank you gift. That was my idea. I’m sure he treasured it forever!
There is a catch. While I try to know when it’s coming, I can’t predict very accurately. So no, I don’t make the box. But the Angels have a system figured out, because I am so regular – every night, I sleep in my little cagey hole, and then the clean up is easy. Every day I romp around and run and play and climb and enjoy life. The Rescue Angels say that I can stay here forever, as I’m such a special Dinky Doodle Bug.

In loving memory of Dinky, Aug. 2001 – June 27, 2013