Hey you – you, with the greying muzzle. Can you still hear me? You look a little muddled. I’m over here – on the sofa – can you find me? Don’t fret – if not, I’ll come get you. I’m right here. You smell me, don’t you – your eyes are concerned. Don’t worry, buddy. I am right here every step of the way.
We go back quite a ways, don’t we? Some days, things were good, some days, we struggled. But you were always there. When I was irritated, you soothed my nerves. When I was lonely, you snuggled up tight. When I was sulking, you gently pawed my leg. When I thought my world was falling apart, you held me together.
I hurt, and you understood. You gave, and then gave some more. No matter how I felt, how I behaved, or what I did, you were there, watching, waiting, ready to comfort. Always accepting.
And now you’re aging. Know that I will stand by you. While my heart will break into pieces as your body slowly tires, I will do my best to make every step of the way as comfortable as possible. I promise to watch carefully so you don’t suffer needlessly. And when the time has come, I will hold your paw and soothe your soul as you take your last sleep.
We are connected, you and I; physically in this world, spiritually forever after. Thank you for choosing me, I have been honored to be yours.