The Seven Sisters – Another Five Star Read

Well done. I’m not one for series books, as I read so much and base that on library availability which means I can never read a series in a timely fashion – plus I want to end each book with a feeling of completion. This is a doable series, however, in that if you only read this one, that would be fine, as it’s an entire story in itself. The writing style, and a twist at the end of course leads one to want to read the next in the series, as well it should; I assume that will be true at the end of each book. I particularly liked this story as a good part of it takes place in Rio, a place I had honeymooned and one that really made an impression on me, so much of the description hit home. A story of a search for one’s identity and beginnings, and in doing so, finding a beautiful though sad love story. Very very well done and yes, I will be reading the next in the series!