The Geezer Pledge

You’re getting slower my friend, but that’s okay. You look a bit confused, a bit dazzled at times by the same environment. The light in your eyes is there, yet it is blurred. Your voice is raspy – you ramble on and on about things that were, and are, and should have been. You look up, ever so loving, ever so needing, yet ever so confused. Your daily sojourns become residences; your historical curiosity becomes confusion. You enjoy, and appreciate, and bask in the warmth of a kind hand, a warm heart, a soft voice – yet you are bewildered. Each visit is a trek of immense proportions; a journey with destination unknown. You appreciate yet question, determine yet query, navigate yet search the horizons. A soft touch, a reassuring sound, a gentle whisper, and all is calm.

You may question; I will answer. You may be lost; I will find you. You may search for dinner; I will bring it to you. If you can’t find the litter, I will show you, and if I can’t, I will clean up for you. I have made a commitment to you – I will honor that commitment; I will encourage, protect, provide for and support your needs. I am there for you, because you are you, and I love you.

If you have a Geezer, you can hear me.

6 Replies to “The Geezer Pledge”

  1. When they get lost and confused, the comfort we can give them and the trust they honor us with to take care of them is such a gift. The link between our hearts and their’s become so deep, so intertwined. And so painful when it breaks. Lines from the movie “Shadowlands” have really helped me get through that grief. C.S. Lewis marries a woman (Jioy) he knows is dying of cancer. He is trying to ignore the looming parting. She says it can be better than that. She tells him: “The pain then is part of the happiness now.” The parting wouldn’t hurt so much if the experience hadn’t been so wonderful. It’s not about glorying in the pain, it’s about glorying in the experience that leads to it – transforming the pain by embracing the memories. Such an honor to help them through to the end. Thank you, Siri. Such powerful words. – Pam Agnew (Mom of Peter, Naomi, Phoebe, and Zeke, from SRC)

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